Thursday, August 7, 2014

Gleaning Totals!

Thank you so much for letting your SLAM Raleigh youth glean with us last week.  I'm sure there are other organizations that are much easier to work with....ones who can make a definite schedule!  Thank you for your willingness to be flexible and wait and and see what opportunities arose.  It turned out that we really needed you.

Following is what your groups saved and where it went.

Tuesday's group: 
630 pounds of squash.   300 pounds went to Care and Share food pantry in Louisburg and 350 pounds went to Tri-Area Ministry food pantry in Wake Forest

Thursday's group:
35 pounds of blueberries went to Parkview Manor (Raleigh), apartment community for low income seniors

Friday's group:
75 pounds of blueberries went to Raleigh Christian Community church food ministry

Thanks again for working with us.  Every gleaner makes a difference for many local people in need.